Home > Sample Financial Statements

Adagio FX and Adagio Ledger come with many sample statements which can easily be adapted for use with your company's data.

To view a particular type of statement, click on the image or link for a list of statements available for that category. To display all the sample statements included on this site, click here (6 Mb).

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Departmental Statements

Departmental summary income statements, showing prior year comparatives and performance against budget, by department. One line per department summaries with rows automatically added as departments are created in the chart of accounts.
Cover and Text Sheets

Title pages, cover sheets, Tables of Contents, Engagement Letters, Notes.
Function Examples

Examples of built-in functions, including DATESTRING(), RNGMERGE(), Header and Footer Codes, and the result returned by every ADGET() specification code when working with the current account data.

Statements, including examples, formatted for letter size landscape orientation. 12 Month Income and 12 Month Rolling Income Statements.
Landscape Legal

12 month Budget projection, including forecast final balance, year's budget and projected variance. Formatted for legal landscape.
All Statements All statements included as samples with the Adagio Financial Reporter - part of Adagio FX and Adagio Ledger.
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